Fig. 5 The most perfect liquid is reached at the highest temperatures5<\/figcaption><\/figure>\nFrom the early Universe to the densest stars<\/h3>\n
Scientists have long hypothesised that quark matter exists in the core of neutron stars. This could explain the very large mass (up to two times the mass of the Sun) in a very small object (a few tens of km radius). The creation of an over-abundance of strange quarks, plus their potential decoupling from a plasma phase at a higher temperature, opens up the possibility of creating ‘strange matter’, i.e. rare states of quark configurations which are dominated by strangeness.<\/p>\n
Our experiments have already discovered the formation of hyper-nuclei, i.e. nuclei in which one of the common protons or neutrons is replaced by a similar particle with strange content. These composite objects are meta-stable, and, surprisingly\u00b8 so are their anti-nucleus partners. This discovery, together with the new measurements of attractive forces between light quark and strange quark particles, leads some of us to believe that strange matter, i.e. matter in which the strange quark occupies the space normally reserved for light quarks in ‘standard nuclear matter’, could exist and form the core of many compact stellar objects, whose unusual mass-to-size ratio is otherwise not well understood.<\/p>\n
One avenue of cross-disciplinary research arose from the ground-breaking discovery of gravitational waves, generated by the merger of two black holes. This 2017 Nobel Prize winning measurement has been followed up by the LIGO and VIRGO experiments at a higher precision scale to detect the merger of two neutron stars, i.e. much smaller, but still very dense objects.<\/p>\n
Neutron stars are relatively easy to characterise compared to the rather elusive black holes. Their structure, although tiny in size in the vast dimensions of the Universe, can be modelled and separated into several phases of matter as a function of the star radius. The link to relativistic heavy ion physics comes through the dynamic modelling of the core of the merging matter, which is likely a plasma and possibly strangeness enhanced state at temperatures and densities comparable to low energy heavy ion collisions (see Fig. 4).<\/p>\n
Neutron star mergers leave a distinct gravitational wave spectrum and the analysis of this spectrum might allow us to determine the phase and potential phase transitions during the merger process, which would map out a uniquely different part of the QCD phase diagram, namely the low temperature, high density part (see Fig. 3).<\/p>\n
How unique is the QGP?<\/h3>\n
Finally, the properties of the deconfined quark-gluon matter are often defined through the collective motion of this early phase after the collision. So called \u2018flow\u2019 measurements have shown that the system behaves like a near-perfect liquid, which means the shear viscosity over entropy ratio, a measure of the fluid imperfection, is minimal and significantly lower than the one for ultra-cold liquid helium, which was considered the most perfect experimentally achievable liquid until now (see Fig. 5).<\/p>\n
This perfect liquidity is a sign for very strong interactions between the degrees of freedom in the plasma, similar to string theory calculations of interactions in black holes. The analogy between theoretical black hole physics and experimentally verifiable heavy ion collisions led to an interesting cross-disciplinary field of applying gravitationally motivated equations to strong force coupled systems. For example, additional state variables such as bulk viscosity, speed of sound, and heat capacity can be derived from existing measurements and serve as experimental input to an equation of state, which at the same time can be derived from theoretical first principle calculations as long as the matter density in the system is small. For high densities, though, the lattice QCD calculations need to be extrapolated by, for example, using black hole inspired model analogues. Nevertheless, the predictions for a critical point near the energies achievable at existing accelerators and calculations beyond this point into the regime of neutron stars are at hand, and their experimental verification awaits us in the next two decades.<\/p>\n
The future and quantum entanglement<\/h3>\n
The path forward for heavy-ion experiments is well defined through long range plans that are drafted by the expert community under the guidance of the funding agencies in Europe, Asia, and the United States. The LHC heavy ion programme will continue for at least another decade. The RHIC programme will wind down and make room for an electron-ion collider (EIC), scheduled to come online in the early part of the next decade. The goals, to be addressed by colliding a structure-less elementary particle, such as the electron, with a proton or a heavy ion, is to study even more aspects of the structure of matter.<\/p>\n
One, which is of particular interest to our group, is the role of quantum entanglement in a collision of particles composed of quarks and gluons. Quantum-mechanically, these fundamental building blocks know of each other within a confined space and thus share certain properties, which should affect the distribution of particles emerging from the plasma state. Until now, it was computationally too difficult to apply quantum mechanics to the QGP, but with the onset of quantum computing and a new accelerator that probes the inner structure of nuclear matter with an indivisible probe, such as the electron, we should be able to study entanglement in high temperature and density systems governing the earliest phases of the Universe. This is indeed an exciting time to be a fundamental physicist.<\/p>\n
This work was supported in part by the Office of Nuclear Physics of the U.S. Department of Energy.<\/p>\n