Developing security framework for 6G systems<\/strong><\/p>\nHORSE will significantly advance the state of the art by designing and developing a holistic, human-centric, sustainable security framework for end-to-end 6G systems, securing the lifecycle management at multiple levels in multi-stakeholder and multi-domain resource environments.<\/p>\n
HORSE will provide intent-based orchestration functions to automate processing, storage, and management by mapping specific security intents using advanced AI\/ML algorithms into security and reliability actions and policies spanning multiple heterogeneous domains.<\/p>\n
In addition, HORSE will include predictive threat detection and mitigation procedures based on AI\/ML techniques to protect 6G systems from attacks that can potentially impact the performance or availability of the service as well as data privacy, with a special focus on tasks that might potentially discover habits, gender\/political\/religious inclination, social and personal relationships, medical, or other sensitive data.<\/p>\n
Implementing an AI Secure and Trustable Orchestration component<\/strong><\/p>\nHORSE will significantly extend the state of the art by developing a security framework that will provide end-to-end security and trust in multi-stakeholder resource environments.<\/p>\n
HORSE will implement an AI Secure and Trustable Orchestration (STO) component to increase the reliability, trust, and resilience of virtualised environments. Such a component will include an end-to-end secure connectivity manager that will provide service orchestration, support recursive deployment with high device heterogeneity in virtualised scenarios, and end-to-end resource self-configuration provisioning a secure framework spanning multiple domains.<\/p>\n
The STO will also include a domain orchestrators connector that will provide trustworthy connections across multiple domains using trusting execution environments based on distributed ledger technology and a cross-domain VNF licensing management service to control the utilisation of licensed VNFs across multiple domains.<\/p>\n
In addition, HORSE will also provide a trustable AI engine that will oversee and ensure that all deployed services run in a secure environment by means of trustworthy, enhanced federated learning techniques.<\/p>\n
Altogether, the HORSE security framework will solve some of the security challenges of the O-RAN specification, focusing on securing the interfaces and ensuring a secure O-RAN operation in untrusted clouds.<\/p>\n
Identifying specific cyber threats to the 6G landscape<\/strong><\/p>\nHORSE proposes to identify and attack the specific threats the 6G landscape is sensitive to, using and extending the work done in the MITRE ATT&CK Framework, defining the attributes and parameters needed to develop such characterisation successfully.<\/p>\n
Moreover, the work aims not only to characterising such threats, but also to contribute to the cyber security community by identifying new possible attack vectors, proposing novel predictive strategies, detection measures and mitigation solutions. These will strengthen the 6G landscape cyber security, while also spreading out knowledge on potential attacks and corrective measures within the involved community.<\/p>\n
Enhancing the future of green 6G<\/strong><\/p>\nHORSE will mark progress in green networks by identifying the required tools and paradigms to enhance the performance of future green 6G and reduce energy consumption.<\/p>\n
HORSE will contribute to achieving high energy efficiency for resource-constrained devices in future 6G networks by using new materials and improving the efficiency of energy harvesting technologies. This will lead to a sustainable green network.<\/p>\n
In short, HORSE addresses this challenge by proposing a battery-free, energy-efficient, low-cost computing and sensing infrastructure for future 6G networks.<\/p>\n
Integration of digital twins<\/strong><\/p>\nHORSE aims to investigate networking and resource management solutions by considering the specifications of digital twins\u2019 different services.<\/p>\n
HORSE will address the integration of DTs in future communications systems and their implications on network management aspects related to resource allocation and lifecycle management.<\/p>\nFig. 4: HORSE functional architecture<\/figcaption><\/figure>\nHORSE will exploit the great potential for optimising the utilisation and integration of DTs using AI\/ML methods. Suitable DT module composition and abstraction level play a crucial role in realising an overall secure system, decreasing the computation delay and energy consumption.<\/p>\n
One of the key objectives is to identify the required AI\/ML functions and the suitable composition within each DT network model. This could be done using online and offline approaches such as reinforcement learning and supervised learning.<\/p>\n
AI approach for greater security in 6G networks<\/strong><\/p>\nHORSE will provide a distributed AI\/ML approach for security enhancement in 6G networks closer to the data source of interest. In this context, implementing federated learning (FL) represents a major goal towards service disaggregation and security optimisation. Based on FL, data selection and training will be performed locally, an approach that obviously protects data privacy and offers a considerable reduction of the overhead\/latency as a side positive effect.<\/p>\n
Moreover, HORSE will leverage a distributed hierarchical ML structure to prevent data privacy from being compromised while targeting system disaggregation and secure optimisation. HORSE will go beyond the state-of-the-art in deep reinforcement learning methods by applying FL and meta-learning (AutoML) methods to meet policies for Trustworthy AI and improve security strategies.<\/p>\n
Integrating intent-based networking with future 6G networks<\/strong><\/p>\nHORSE will address the new challenges of integrating intent-based networking (IBN) with future 6G networks to facilitate user engagement and explainability. This adds more complexity regarding implementing IBN while reducing the burden for administrators.<\/p>\n
Moreover, the \u2018human-in-the-loop\u2019 features will impose more challenges to translating future users\u2019 intents into network configurations and operations. Simultaneously, the placement of virtual functions needs to be improved to meet the new demands provided by the 6G environment.<\/p>\n
Deployment, optimisation, and continuity of IBNs are the main research directions that should be improved and discovered.<\/p>\n
Progress on the below areas will lead to the design and deployment of the HORSE functional architecture, presented in Fig. 4:<\/p>\n