{"id":390,"date":"2018-06-13T00:00:00","date_gmt":"2018-06-12T23:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.innovationnewsnetwork.com\/lithium-ion-battery-fire-vessel\/390\/"},"modified":"2019-12-14T19:44:58","modified_gmt":"2019-12-14T19:44:58","slug":"lithium-ion-battery-fire-vessel","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.innovationnewsnetwork.com\/lithium-ion-battery-fire-vessel\/390\/","title":{"rendered":"Can a lithium-ion battery fire be put out on a vessel?"},"content":{"rendered":"

aentron details the risks associated with lithium-ion battery fires on large vessels and briefly outlines an innovative lithium-ion battery fire suppression system for maritime vessels.<\/h2>\n

Of all the threats that universally scare ship captains the most, sinking is probably at the top of the list. But fire is no less of a threat. Indeed, a fire, even if you manage to put it out, can easily lead to a loss of life from either the flames or the fumes. When it comes to preventing a fire on-board it is critical for ship builders to ensure that the latest and best fire-fighting equipment is made available relative to the risk and size of the vessel. This is a sensible strategy that applies to all conventional vessels with combustion engines. Unfortunately, it does not apply to lithium-ion-based battery propulsion systems and has generally led to a justified reluctance within the maritime industry to adopt the technology for fear of a lithium-ion battery fire breaking out.<\/p>\n

If one analyses the key factors driving the current boom in the adoption of electric boat technology on inland waterways and lakes, one can draw a clear correlation between legislative pressures, e.g. no new boat licences for combustion engines, whereas cost and ecological factors play only a secondary role in many boat owners\u2019 considerations. Hence, it seems that through legislative means hearts and minds can be both changed as well as motivated to implement greener shipping technologies.<\/p>\n

The lithium-ion battery will certainly play a significant role in the transition to greener inshore and offshore shipping technologies. However, this article will address the perceived risks associated with lithium-ion batteries and how new technologies and solutions are emerging to reduce and for the most part eliminate the potential risks associated with lithium-ion batteries.<\/p>\n

In recent years lithium-ion battery technology has made rapid inroads as the technology of choice for land-based mobility applications, i.e. in the form of full-electric or hybrid drive-train. In the maritime sector and especially for large vessels, the potential offered by full-electric or hybrid application technologies has only recently been recognised. In Europe, national and regional authorities have legislated mainly for reasons of water quality, air pollution and noise pollution. This has led to the practical extinction of the combustion engine in many waterways.<\/p>\n

This, of course, has spurred both the availability of and innovation in electric power-train technologies. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for both offshore and inshore waters, where the \u2018business as usual\u2019 mentality reigns. Only in very limited cases such as in harbour areas are there legislative activities to reduce local emissions. For large offshore operating vessels liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) will more than likely play the major role in emissions reduction. However, for estuaries, harbours and passenger ferries, as well as water taxis, lithium-ion battery-powered vessels will enable cleaner and quieter vessels.<\/p>\n

Why switch to lithium-ion battery technology?<\/h3>\n

For small watercraft (2.5m to 24m), lithium-ion technology is replacing combustion engines and pushing aside the hereto ubiquitous lead acid battery technology for electrically powered boats. The main attractions of the technology are the significant weight savings of up to 75% less than conventional lead acid, fast charge capability and near-zero maintenance potential. Consequently, lithium-ion batteries are rapidly making headway into recreational boats. It is not an exaggeration that many of the batteries, if properly designed, managed and protected, will outlast the boat they are installed in.<\/p>\n

Nevertheless, new technologies or technologies expanding into new applications often bring just as many risks as advantages. Lithium-ion battery technology has had a bumpy history within the maritime sector. The early adapters were sailboat racers or private individuals experimenting with the technology. This often led to disastrous and, on occasion, fatal consequences. Often the technology was not ready, and battery suppliers did not understand the application\u2019s needs and risks. However, risk managers as well as ship architects should be aware of their primary downside, i.e. fire\/explosion risk.<\/p>\n

Therefore, successful integration and, later, safe operation will depend on taking the proper precautions as much as setting the right design requirements to a lithium-ion supplier to minimise the fire\/explosion risk. Lithium-ion batteries must be considered as a system and not as batteries in the traditional sense. Today, lithium-ion batteries, when supplied from a reputable supplier, are equipped with cells, sensors, and battery management electronics that would equal a laptop or mobile phone.<\/p>\n

In the case of large vessels, the technology has only been utilised in very limited examples. Part of the slow uptake of the technology for larger vessels is the industry\u2019s inertia in adopting new technologies, the perceived greater risk associated with integrating lithium-ion technologies, and the up until recently low priority to legislate greener technologies within the shipping industry. It should be added that this is changing due to recent initiatives from the European Commission as part of the LeaderSHIP programme.<\/p>\n

Regardless of the propulsion type, hybrid or full electric, lithium-ion battery systems are getting larger and more powerful. Recently, aentron shipped a 600Vdc\/960kWh\/1,600Ah system with a total weight close to 4,500kg. Such large battery systems require special measures, and ship certification becomes challenging due to the scale and risks associated with such large systems. To reduce the associated risk of large lithium-ion battery systems and reduce certification costs, a specialised lithium-ion fire suppression system is urgently required by the industry. The currently available fire suppression systems are not up to the task and in many cases would worsen the situation if activated.<\/p>\n

A burning issue that is hard to suppress<\/h3>\n

Large inshore or offshore vessels are measured to a different yardstick, where operational reliability and safety take precedence. As already elaborated at the beginning of this article, regardless of vessel size or class, one of the worst scenarios besides sinking that can befall a vessel is an on-board fire. A lithium-ion battery fire is one of the most dangerous and difficult fires to get under control and extinguish.<\/p>\n

For the most part, a lithium-ion battery fire can at best be cooled, contained and suppressed. Extinguishing a lithium-ion battery fire with 100% certainty is not always possible due to the unpleasant issue of thermal runaway. Lithium-ion battery fires do not require oxygen to burn and can be considered by nature a chemical fire. As with any chemical fire, extinguishing by conventional means, e.g. water, can often exacerbate the situation to such a point that an explosion cannot be excluded.<\/p>\n

The intensity and rapidity of a lithium-ion battery fire can vary depending on the lithium-ion cell chemistry. The two most common lithium-ion chemistries in usage both on and offshore are lithium nickel manganese cobalt (Li-NMC) and lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) chemistries. Both chemistries have their advantages and disadvantages. The LiFePO4 chemistry is ideally suited for high-temperature operations above 40\u00b0C, having a more robust chemistry to withstand high-temperature operation. Li-NMC is, meanwhile, far superior in both power and energy densities and has in recent years largely replaced LiFePO4 for many applications. Both chemistries\u2019 thermal runaway temperatures are, relatively speaking, closely aligned at 180-220\u00b0C and 270\u00b0C for Li-NMC and LiFePO4, respectively.<\/p>\n

Building better batteries is often not enough<\/h3>\n

While the causes of a lithium-ion battery fire are varied, the often-cited reasons can be summarised as follows:<\/p>\n