{"id":29593,"date":"2023-02-06T13:04:13","date_gmt":"2023-02-06T13:04:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.innovationnewsnetwork.com\/?p=29593"},"modified":"2023-02-06T13:21:49","modified_gmt":"2023-02-06T13:21:49","slug":"high-purity-alumina-sustainably-produced","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.innovationnewsnetwork.com\/high-purity-alumina-sustainably-produced\/29593\/","title":{"rendered":"Can high purity alumina be sustainably produced?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Advanced Energy Minerals details how its unique chlorine leach\u2013crystalline purification process can reduce the carbon footprint of high purity alumina production.<\/h2>\n

How can high purity alumina be produced sustainably? Advanced Energy Minerals (AEM)<\/a> considers sustainable production to be of the utmost importance.<\/p>\n

The company manufactures ultra-high purity alumina (HPA) at its production plant in Cap-Chat, Quebec, Canada, that it delivers under the SupALOX\u2122<\/a> brand.<\/p>\n

How HPA production increases carbon emissions<\/h3>\n

It is well known that the conventional alkaloid process for manufacturing HPA is a notorious \u2018energy hog\u2019, yielding a typical carbon footprint of 12.3 tonnes of CO2<\/sub>\u00a0emitted per tonne of high purity alumina. This is an incredibly high ratio compared even to the energy consumption within the cement and steel industries with their ratios of only 0.6 and 1.85 tonnes of CO2<\/sub>\u00a0emitted per tonne of cement2,3<\/sup> and steel4,5,6,<\/sup> respectively.<\/p>\n

The alkaloid process for high purity alumina also relies on expensive, carbon-intensive aluminium metal as its feedstock, which clearly will not be acceptable in the future.<\/p>\n

Shocked by numbers like these, consumers and investors are making decisions based on sustainability. For example, the Norwegian sovereign fund \u2013 one of the world\u2019s largest investors with more than \u20ac1.1tr invested7<\/sup> \u2013 now requires each of its 9,000+ invested companies to show plans to reach net zero by 20508<\/sup>. Therefore, it is clear that the alumina industry needs an alternative to manufacture 99.999%-pure 5N HPA at a competitive price.<\/p>\n

The market has a strong demand for HPA that will increase rapidly in years to come. This is because HPA has excellent properties in terms of chemical stability, its high melting point, and high mechanical strength and hardness. It has good thermal conductivity but high electrical insulation.<\/p>\n

High purity alumina takes on different crystalline structures known as alpha (\u03b1), beta (\u03b2), and gamma (\u03b3), with each possessing different properties. \u03b1-HPA has a low specific surface area and is very resistant to high temperatures. Because it is inert, it has almost no catalytic activity. \u03b3-alumina has excellent dispersion and a higher specific surface area, but it is inert and provides high activity9<\/sup>.<\/p>\n

\u00a9 shutterstock\/lovelyday<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Emissions Scopes according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol10,11<\/sup><\/strong><\/p>\n