{"id":11631,"date":"2021-05-18T13:15:33","date_gmt":"2021-05-18T12:15:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.innovationnewsnetwork.com\/?p=11631"},"modified":"2021-09-20T08:56:57","modified_gmt":"2021-09-20T07:56:57","slug":"searching-beyond-the-solar-system-for-life-on-exoplanets","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.innovationnewsnetwork.com\/searching-beyond-the-solar-system-for-life-on-exoplanets\/11631\/","title":{"rendered":"Searching beyond the solar system for life on exoplanets"},"content":{"rendered":"

LIFE \u2013 a future space mission to characterise the atmospheres of terrestrial exoplanets and search for life outside the Solar System.<\/h2>\n

Are we alone in the Universe? Humankind has been wrestling with this fundamental scientific conundrum for centuries. We now live in a time, with the relevant technologies within reach, where we can start addressing this question empirically. In doing so, we may finally find out if life is indeed unique to our home planet. After the firm establishment of the heliocentric system by Nicolaus Copernicus in the 16th century, putting the Sun \u2013 and not the Earth \u2013 in the centre of the Solar System, after realising that our Sun was one amongst millions of suns in our Milky Way galaxy, after discovering that our Milky Way was one of countless galaxies in an expanding, isotropic, and homogenous Universe, after the discovery of thousands of exoplanets orbiting nearby stars, life remains the most striking feature that makes Earth and our Solar System<\/a> stand out in this vast cosmos. Enough motivation to find out if, after all, Earth\u2019s biosphere represents something truly \u2018special\u2019.<\/p>\n

The heavens full of planets<\/h3>\n

As of today, more than 4,000 exoplanets have been detected1<\/sup> displaying a not necessarily expected diversity in masses, radii, and orbital periods. In particular, thanks to NASA\u2019s Kepler mission, we know that, statistically, exoplanets orbit most \u2013 if not all \u2013 stars. Furthermore, a significant fraction of those exoplanets are terrestrial, i.e., rock-dominated, and orbit within the so-called \u2018habitable zone\u2019 of their host stars.2<\/sup> Here, the temperatures allow in principle for liquid water to exist on their surface \u2013 a prerequisite for life as we know it. Equally important is the growing number of exoplanets discovered within 20 parsecs from our Sun as, thanks to their proximity, they are the easiest to investigate in detail. Some of them are also prime candidates for being habitable.3<\/sup><\/p>\n

While ongoing ground- and space-based monitoring programmes are continuing to reveal new discoveries almost on a weekly basis, the wealth of data and number of exoplanetary systems has motivated the exoplanet community to start transitioning from exoplanet discovery to exoplanet characterisation. A primary focus of characterisation projects is to investigate the atmospheric properties of the exoplanets including their composition. Current technology already allows us to reliably detect and investigate the atmospheres of short- and long-period gas giant planets,4,5<\/sup> and first attempts have been made to detect the atmospheres of small, terrestrial exoplanets.6,7<\/sup><\/p>\n

From discovery to atmospheric characterisation<\/h3>\n

In the near future, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), expected to launch at the end of 2021, might have a chance of investigating a very small number of terrestrial exoplanets orbiting in the habitable zones of nearby M-dwarf stars and confirm the existence of atmospheres.8<\/sup> In-depth characterisation of atmospheric composition, however, appears to be out of scope.9<\/sup> Similarly, in the coming 15 years, the next generation of ground-based telescopes, with primary mirrors between 30m to 40m, will also contribute to the detection of terrestrial exoplanets and their characterisation.10,11<\/sup> But also here the number of objects and the overall characterisation potential will be limited because of the disturbing effects our own atmosphere imposes on ground-based observations.<\/p>\n

In order to study a large sample of temperate terrestrial exoplanets and investigate their atmospheres in detail, new dedicated space missions are needed. This is particularly true if the search for habitable planets and atmospheric biosignatures \u2013 fingerprints in the atmospheric composition indicating ongoing biological activity on an exoplanet \u2013 are main scientific goals. Only from space, sufficient stability, sensitivity, and wavelength coverage is achievable. Also, instead of applying the so-called transit-\/eclipse-spectroscopy technique to investigate the exoplanets, the default technique used today, a different observational approach is needed: as their orbits are distributed randomly in the plane of the sky, most exoplanets do not transit in front of their host stars when observed from Earth or space-based telescopes, dramatically limiting the number that can be studied. Only with missions that allow for the direct detection of an exoplanet signal next to that of its bright host star, a sufficiently large number of objects can be studied so that statistical investigations of their properties and the occurrence rate of habitable planets are possible. In order to directly detect an exoplanet, one can chose two different approaches: either one searches for light that the exoplanets reflect from their host star, or one detects the intrinsic thermal radiation the exoplanets emit due to their temperature. The first approach is typically done at optical and near-infrared wavelengths ( ~400-2500 nanometres), and is the focus of mission concept studies carried out by NASA.12,13<\/sup> The second approach requires observations at mid-infrared wavelengths (~3-20 micrometres) and is the preferred choice for the Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE) concept, which is discussed in the following.<\/p>\n

Fig. 2: Expected exoplanet detection yield of the LIFE mission during a 2.5-year search phase<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

The LIFE mission<\/h3>\n

LIFE is an ambitious space mission concept with unparalleled scientific capabilities optimised for the direct detection and atmospheric characterisation of hundreds of exoplanets, dozens of which will be terrestrial, temperate, and possibly hospitable to life as we know it.<\/p>\n

LIFE features a formation-flying mid-infrared nulling interferometer consisting of four \u2018collector spacecraft\u2019 with 2m to 3.5m apertures flying in a rectangular configuration, and a fifth \u2018combiner spacecraft\u2019 flying in the centre of the array (see Fig. 1). Thanks to the four collector spacecraft, LIFE will achieve sufficient sensitivity for the faint signals from exoplanets, and the spatial separation between the spacecraft will provide the required spatial resolution to disentangle the planetary signals from that of the host stars. The light from the collector spacecraft will be sent to the combiner spacecraft where the incoming beams will interfere so that the light from the central star is effectively suppressed (\u2018nulled\u2019), but photons from nearby, off-axis sources (such as exoplanets) can pass through and can be spectrally dispersed. The baselines between the collector spacecraft will be flexible as they need to be re-arranged for each new target, but a minimum baseline of ~10m and a maximum baseline of ~600m appears sufficient.<\/p>\n

The mirrors of the collector spacecraft and the optics of the combiner instrument will operate at a temperature no higher than 40K to supress thermal noise. The goal for the observing wavelength range is three to 20 micrometres and the required spectral resolution is ~50.<\/p>\n

To cover the full sky and provide a stable environment for the spacecraft formation, LIFE will be in an orbit at the L2 point. The pointing of the collector telescopes will be primarily in the anti-Sun direction. The nominal mission lifetime will be six years, with up to ~2.5 years for a \u2018search phase\u2019 in order to detect exoplanets around hundreds of nearby stars within ~20 parsecs from the Sun and identify the best targets for detailed follow-up observations. The remaining ~3.5 years are devoted to the \u2018characterisation phase\u2019 to study a well-selected sub-sample of exoplanets in exquisite detail. The launch of all spacecraft shall be feasible with a single heavy-duty rocket.<\/p>\n

The underlying measurement principle for LIFE was conceived in 1978,14<\/sup> already with the idea in mind to detect exoplanets. And in the early 2000s first concept studies were carried out (ESA\/Darwin and NASA\/TPF-I), which laid the foundations for LIFE. However, significant progress has been made ever since, both on the scientific and the technology side. This includes, in particular:<\/p>\n